Tšebeliso ea Pompo ea VTP ke Eng? Shaft e Bolela'ng ka Pompo?

Tšebeliso ea pompo ea VTP ke efe?

A pompo ea turbine e otlolohileng ke mofuta oa pompo ea centrifugal e etselitsoeng ka ho khetheha hore e kenngoe sebakeng se otlolohileng, 'me enjene e behiloe ka holim'a metsi 'me pompo e kenelle ka har'a mokelikeli o ntseng o pompuoa. Hangata lipompo tsena li sebelisoa bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse kang phepelo ea metsi, nosetso, lits'ebetso tsa metsi a pholileng, le litlhoko tse ling tsa liindasteri le tsa masepala tsa ho pompa metsi.

Tšebeliso e kholo ea apompo ea VTPke ho phahamisetsa metsi kapa maro a mang ho tloha selibeng se tebileng, letamong kapa mehloling e meng ea metsi ho ea holimo. Li loketse ka ho khetheha bakeng sa lits'ebetso moo mohloli oa metsi o leng botebong ba lefatše 'me o hloka ho phahamisetsoa holimo bakeng sa ho ajoa kapa merero e meng. Lipompo tsa turbine tse otlolohileng li boetse li sebelisoa lits'ebetsong moo ho hlokahalang tekanyo e phahameng ea phallo le hlooho e phahameng (khatello), e leng se etsang hore e be tse loketseng mefuta e mengata ea metsi le mekhoa ea ho aba.

Ntle le lits'ebetso tsa phepelo ea metsi, lipompo tsa turbine tse otlolohileng li boetse li sebelisoa maemong a indasteri bakeng sa ho fetisetsa lino tse fapaneng, ho kenyeletsoa lik'hemik'hale, lihlahisoa tsa peterole le maro a mang. Moqapi oa bona o otlolohileng o lumella tšebeliso e nepahetseng ea sebaka mme e ka etsoa ka mokhoa o ikhethileng ho fihlela litlhoko tse khethehileng tsa ts'ebetso bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse fapaneng.

pompo ea vtp

VTP vertical axial-(mixed) -flow pump ke sehlahisoa se secha sa kakaretso-elation se ntlafalitsoeng ka katleho ke TKFLO ka ho tsebahatsa ba tsoang kantle ho naha le ba malapeng ba tsebang mokhoa le ho rala ka hloko ho latela litlhoko tsa basebelisi le maemo a ts'ebeliso. Sehlahisoa sena sa letoto se sebelisa mohlala oa morao-rao o babatsehang oa hydraulic, mefuta e mengata ea katleho e phahameng, ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng le ho hanyetsa khoholeho e ntle ea mouoane; impeller e entsoe ka nepo ka hlobo ea boka, bokaholimo bo boreleli le bo sa thijoeng, ho nepahala ho ts'oanang ha sebopeho sa sebopeho, ho fokotsa haholo tahlehelo ea hydraulic friction le tahlehelo e makatsang, ho leka-lekana ho betere, ts'ebetso e phahameng ho feta e tloaelehileng. li-impellers ka 3-5%.

Shaft e Bolela'ng ka Pompo?

Moelelong oa pompo, lentsoe "shaft" hangata le bolela karolo e potolohang e fetisang matla ho tloha ho enjene ho ea ho impeller kapa likarolo tse ling tse potolohang tsa pompo. Shaft e na le boikarabelo ba ho fetisetsa matla a ho potoloha ho tloha ho motlakase ho ea ho impeller, e leng se etsang hore ho be le phallo e hlokahalang le khatello ea ho tsamaisa mokelikeli ka pompo.

Shaft ka pompong hangata ke karolo ea tšepe e tiileng, ea cylindrical e etselitsoeng ho ba matla le ho tšoarella, kaha e hloka ho mamella torque le matla a ho potoloha a hlahisoang nakong ea ho pompa. Hangata e tšehetsoa ke li-bearings ho netefatsa hore ho potoloha ha bonolo le ho fokotsa khohlano.

Meralong e meng ea pompo, shaft e ka boela ea hokahanngoa le likarolo tse ling tse kang litiiso, li-couplings, kapa mekhoa ea ho khanna, ho itšetlehile ka mofuta o itseng le tlhophiso ea pompo.

pompo ea vtp e otlolohileng
tkflo vtp pompo

Tšebeliso ea pompo ea shaft e telele (Pompo e tebileng ea seliba).

Pompo e nang le shaft e telele, e tsejoang hape e le pompo ea seliba se tebileng, e etselitsoe lits'ebetso moo mohloli oa metsi o leng teng botebong ba ka tlas'a lefatše, joalo ka selibeng kapa sekoting.

Lipompompo tsena li etselitsoe ka ho khetheha ho sebetsana le mathata a ho phahamisa metsi ho tloha botebong bo boholo, hangata ho feta bokhoni ba lipompo tsa setso. Molamu o molelele o lumella pompo ho fihla mohloling oa metsi ka botebo le ho a tlisa holim'a metsi bakeng sa ho ajoa kapa tšebeliso e 'ngoe.

TKFLO AVS letoto la lihlooho tse Vertical Axial Flow Le MVS letoto la Phallo e KopantsoengPompo ea likhoerekhoere tse ka tlas'a metsi

vtp avs pompo
pompo ea mvs vtp

MVS series axial-flow pumps AVS series mix-flow pumps (Vertical Axial flow le Mixed flow submersible sewage pump) ke lihlahisoa tsa morao-rao tse entsoeng ka katleho ka mokhoa oa ho amohela theknoloji ea morao-rao ea linaheng tse ling. Bokhoni ba lipompo tse ncha li kholoanyane ka 20% ho feta tsa khale. Ho sebetsa hantle ho 3 ~ 5% ho feta tsa khale.

Nako ea poso: Aug-08-2024